How to Clean Your Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner

Published on Feb 24, 2015 by Coleman Levin

Accumulated dust, dirt, and debris in your reverse cycle air conditioning unit are some of the common reasons why your cooling cost or electricity bill is going up the roof. Because they make the air conditioning system less efficient, the air conditioner will have to work harder to achieve proper air flow so you can enjoy cooler indoor temperatures.

Accumulated dust, dirt, and debris in your reverse cycle air conditioning unit are some of the common reasons why your cooling cost or electricity bill is going up the roof. Because they make the air conditioning system less efficient, the air conditioner will have to work harder to achieve proper air flow so you can enjoy cooler indoor temperatures. As a result, the cooling system consumes more power, which in turn causes you to get a bigger electric bill.

Huge electric bills is not the only problem a dirty air conditioner can bring you. It can also make you prone to illnesses, allergies, and other respiratory problems. After all, it definitely isn't healthy to breathe in air filled with dust and dirt. Therefore, if you want to minimise your cooling costs and at the same time, avoid getting sick easily, make sure that you clean your air conditioning system regularly. Here's how you can do it.

With summer fast approaching, your air conditioning system will definitely see a lot of action in the coming days. What you need to do before sweltering temperatures descend upon the country is to check the filters of your cooling system. The filters are very important part of your air conditioning system because they regulate room temperature and filter debris, dust, and pollen.

The most important thing to remember about reverse cycle air conditioning systems is that you must clean the filters at least once every two months. Otherwise, dust and dirt will clog the filter up and reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning system by up to 50%.

Don't worry. Cleaning the filter is quite simple. If you have a ducted system, the first thing you need to do is switch the unit off. Flip the return air grill down and then remove the filter. Using a vacuum cleaner, remove all the dust, dirt, and debris that have gathered on the filter. Place the filter back into the unit when you're done and you're good to go. In case you have a split system, make sure to switch the unit off before flipping the fascia down. Just like with a ducted system, remove the filter from the air conditioning unit and vacuum it until it is clean.

Don't forget to clear the debris from the exterior unit afterwards. According to experts, there should be around at least half a metre of clear space surrounding the exterior unit. If there is debris blocking this space, the air around the unit won't be able to flow freely.

Meanwhile, in case you have a busy schedule or you simply don't want to potentially ruin your air conditioning system when cleaning it, you can leave the cleaning and maintenance of your reverse cycle air conditioner in the hands of professionals. Not only is it convenient and a time-saver, you can be sure that your A/C unit will be properly cleaned, too.

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